1.19.20 - Core Values - Cameron Lienhart

1.19.20 - Core Values - Cameron Lienhart


From last week: We have ONE job----the primary task of the church is to make disciples of Jesus We do life together---the primary environment for disciple-making is gospel community This week: We live on mission----the primary direction of all disciples is out on mission Genesis 12:1-2 God MAKES and God BLESSES......SO THAT......You will be a blessing and ALL people will be blessed by you. Ephesians 2:11-22 "Ekklesia"(the word translated "church")--- the called out community Luke 19:10 The life of Jesus was to seek and save the lost. Jesus' disciples follow him in this task. Seeking is a pursuit that is marked with an urgency of action. Luke 15:8-10 Core Value----"THIS counts as church"----We embrace non-traditional methods to seek and save people who are far from Jesus. Non-predictable results require non-predictable methods
From last week: We have ONE job----the primary task of the church is to make disciples of Jesus We do life together---the primary environment for disciple-making is gospel community This week: We live on mission----the primary direction of all disciples is out on mission Genesis 12:1-2 God MAKES and God BLESSES......SO THAT......You will be a blessing and ALL people will be blessed by you. Ephesians 2:11-22 "Ekklesia"(the word translated "church")--- the called out community Luke 19:10 The life of Jesus was to seek and save the lost. Jesus' disciples follow him in this task. Seeking is a pursuit that is marked with an urgency of action. Luke 15:8-10 Core Value----"THIS counts as church"----We embrace non-traditional methods to seek and save people who are far from Jesus. Non-predictable results require non-predictable methods